Praise be to god almighty who have helped us finish this paper with a very easy and timely. Without His help, we may not be able to finish.
This document is structured so readers know all things of partridges and other things about the partridge ( jungle fowl ). This document prepared by the author with various obstacles. Whether it came from self-compiler or from outside. But with patience and especially the help of Allah SWT, This document can be completed in the end.
The Documents about “PATRIDGE” deliberately chosen because we want to inform to the reader everything about partridges ( jungle fowl ) in the wild or in captivity.
Editors also like to thank the teachers who helped me to resolve this document.
Hopefully this article gives a broader understanding to the reader. Although this paper has advantages and disadvantages. Editors ask for advice and criticism. Thank you
- reasons for making the theme
- content
- conclusions and suggestions
Reason for making the theme
We took a partridge theme because we wanted to know all about patridges ( jungle fowl ).
from the start types, characteristic features, distribution, habitat and behavior through the patridges.
Hopefully with this document the reader can know everything that exists in life of partridges.
PATRIDGE ( jungle fowl )
* Types, characteristics and distribution of partridge.
Ancestor of domesticated chickens which are now scattered in various regions of the world comes from India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malay Peninsula, Philippines, Sumatra and Java. There are four species of wild chickens that are all classified in the genus Gallus. The four species of wild chickens are known as partridge, namely Ceylon jungle fowl (Gallus lafayetti Lesson), gray jungle fowl (Gallus sonneratti Temmick), red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus Linnaeus), and the green jungle fowl (Gallus varius Shaw).
Ceylon jungle fowl (Gallus lafayetti Lesson) are found in Sri Lanka. The main characteristic of this chicken has a similar coat color red jungle fowl. In the cock, chest hair is red orange and dark brown and the female has a pale brown spots and brown patches of dark or striated, crest on the middle yellow and the egg spots. The wings and tail have dark brown striated.
Gray jungle fowl (Gallus sonneratti Temmick) scattered in the west and south India from Bombay to Madras. Rooster have chest hair color combination of green, black and white.
Wing tip and tail shrink like a worm. Fur dominant in males and females are gray and silver, while in the neck is white striated.
Red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus Linnaeus) spread covers from India, Burma, Siam, Cochin, China, Peninsular Malaya, the Philippines, and Indonesia. In Indonesia can be found in Sumatra, Java, Lombok and timor. Rooster has a black chest hair, large single comb and a jagged red. Fur long and narrow neck, back and wings brown.
Have two pieces of wattle that lies between both the lower jaw bone. Tail feathers numbered 14 pieces. Jungle fowl females in general have a varied comb, there is an invisible (very short), some are reaching the size of 10 mm. Hen wing feathers brownish red in color and black striated. Paws are dark colored (greenish black) and the eggs were brown or yellowish red sometimes found a plain white.
Green jungle fowl (Gallus varius Shaw) is only in Indonesia that is spread on the island of Java, Madura Island cluster, Bali, Lombok, Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores and Alor Islands. Rooster has a black base coat with colored body covered with green feathers shine like scales on the wings and yellowish red pointed black stripes on the back area.
Feathers round the neck of small rounded, blunt-ended and short, the color is yellowish green scaly shiny. Large comb, not serrated circular, rainbow colored. Single wattle is located between the two jaw bones, are large and colorful rainbow.
ear lobe is small, the color of the rainbow as well. Tail feathers of 16 strands of shiny black. Feet small and powerful, scaly kecilkecil regular meeting, the color is dark brown.
Hen have chest hair and fur lower body pale brown. Feathers on the wings, back and tail dark brown color pointed striped yellow and black. Tapered tail feathers on the ends. Comb size is small, pale red color with tiny serrations. Having a pair of small wattle fresh red. Legs pale brown, slightly greenish, the scales smooth and tight. Eggs are small, yellowish white color.
* Habitat and behavior
Red jungle fowl live in groups to form a collection of the greatest among the relatives. Strong males can control three to five females. Young males live alone or form their own groups of up to three jungle fowls. Red jungle fowl can live up to a height of 1,500 m above sea level, both in the dry or moist dense forest. Red jungle fowl nests located on trees. The number of eggs each breeding at most six eggs. Red jungle fowl began to molt in June to September, and begin to grow at about the beginning of the year.
The food in the form of fresh foods that do not contain fat. Jungle fowl are kept to receive food in the form of pellets, grains, forages, grits and other food additives.
Green jungle fowls are coastal birds and valleys that live clustered on the banks of the forest. In the afternoon, the chicken is usually roam the rocky grass, shrubs or trees bersemak and not infrequently wander near the settlements, especially in rice fields or fields, among the bamboo trees and between shrubs.
After sunset this chicken to sleep while perched on branches of trees. Even though its more like hot and dry climates, but can sometimes be found also on the edge of the mountain forests to a height of 700 m above sea level. In general, green jungle fowl social life is divided into two types, namely solitary and group classes that make up the group. Groups who form groups generally consist of two to ten individuals are different from other jungle fowl, Gallus varius is monogamy.
Green pheasant nesting season varies widely, but usually the eggs are found in June to November. Eggs produced per one period of six to 12 eggs laid in nests composed of twigs, leaves and grasses are arranged on the ground under semaksemak or trees that are not too high.
Green jungle fowl food is grains, grasses, insects, other small animals, such as crickets, grasshoppers and others.
feeding activity conducted in the morning until the afternoon at 07.30 and approximately at 15.30 until near sunset.
domestic chicken
Red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus) and green jungle fowl (Gallus varius) often interbreed with domestic chickens, its crosses usually called chicken Bekisar.
Marriage Bekisar chicken male and female domestic chickens produce offspring that have characteristics similar to domestic chickens and his voice will be ending with the "kuk" so that the chicken is called chicken bekikuk.
Male jungle fowl can also be mated with females kate chicken, but chicken Bekisar the resulting sound is not as good as chicken Bekisar result of crossbreeding between a male pheasant with ordinary chicken.
Selection of candidate sires (male jungle fowl, and female domestic chickens) are regarded as an important first step before making a crossing, in order to produce quality Bekisar chicken. Therefore intercross is aimed to obtain Bekisar chicken with a melodious voice, has a good appearance and a beautiful coat color, the selection of prospective breeders are usually based on several criteria.
The selected male jungle fowl is better if it had been tamed to ease in handling.
Breeding female domestic chickens also determine the quality of Bekisar that will be produced. Selection on female domestic chickens can be done with due regard to physical form (size does not exceed the male partridge), thick-haired, loud chirping sound and length (expected to blend with jungle cock crowing Bekisar males will produce a good sound anyway). For the qualitative nature because it is generally regulated by multiple genes it is easier to be selected so as to produce certain desired properties that appear on Bekisar.
Qualitative properties that can be selected to further enhance the appearance Bekisar among other forms of comb, hair color, skin color, hairy.
Behavioural inheritance properties are already known. Ros and pea comb shape dominant to single comb, so if you want to establish Bekisar with a single comb, sires with single comb male partridge was chosen because it already has the properties of a single comb.
nature of the dominant white coat color of colored feathers while the dominant color of white fur recessive and dominant black feather on the red feather.
captivity and the difficulties
Partridge taming of the arrest in natural resources will be many obstacles, because jungle fowl is very wild. Taming is needed for handling the implementation of marriage easier and male partridge brave and want to mate a female chicken. But the taming process is very difficult because male jungle fowl catches generally suffer severe stress of prolonged and often death. Captive breeding jungle fowl is the best way to continue to maintain the pheasant population and for the purpose of forming Bekisar chicken.
Captive breeding will be more easily done by hatching and rearing with chicken. If obtained by several male and female pups hatching and rearing results, it can be used as initial stock in the chicken population to multiply the existing forest.
Captive breeding partridges and develop the population is not quite easy although reared pheasant are quite tame.
Difficulty in partridge breeding seems to be overcome if the partridges maintained by not confined, shall be maintained in an environment similar to their natural habitat.
*jungle fowl preservation
In Indonesia, the issue of nature conservation is focused on three main aspects namely the protection of ecological processes as supporters of life, preservation of genetic diversity and sustainable use of natural resources.
Pressure catching jungle fowl for commercial use or for the formation Bekisar chickens can disrupt partridge populations in the wild. Factors economic conditions of society which is still low to cause these natural resources became an easy target to be commercialized. Although the jungle fowl is not currently include wildlife should be protected but the view of economic value owned by the conservation to maintain the population need attention early so as not to be late.
Preservation of the current pheasant among others performed at the Zoo, Safari Park, Bird Park (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah).
Jungle fowl for conservation purposes can be realized then necessary to implement a preservation system that involves public participation.
To involve users into executing the preservation society will have developed the concept that wildlife utilization partridge require preservation and conservation undertaken to utilization. One way that can be taken for that purpose is through the development of chicken Bekisar farming. The participation of the user community to also seek partridge partridges breed needs to be improved so that utilization can be sustained / sustainable.
conclusions and suggestions
Demand for chicken Bekisar future increases are expected to be lacks the increasing exploitation of the jungle fowl. This situation and also the destruction of forests that are home partridge very quickly the potential to cause extinction of jungle fowls, and therefore need to be conserving. Utilization of jungle fowls for the formation of interest Bekisar chicken is actually a motivating factor for the preservation of species of jungle fowl, partridge results because bredding is a better, easier and have a great chance of success for use in the formation Bekisar chicken. Motivation-forming chicken breeders Bekisar should also be directed to perform partridge breeding for sustainable utilization can still continue.
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